Monday, August 10, 2009

Ruffled Tulip

Are you getting the picture that I think these are worth while reads? Go ahead, take the plunge into a type of book that can be your guilty pleasure.

New Moon is the second in the Twilight series. The story of Bella and Edward continues and we are left feeling the heart ache Bella feels when Edward leaves her. This book works well enough alone but I think that you will get a better understanding of the story and maximum enjoyment from reading it if have read Twilight first.

If you expect New Moon to be the same as Twilight you will be disappointed. Twilight has an almost dreamy, fairytale quality. The pain that Bella feels when Edward abandons her is extremely well written and really what this story (New Moon) is about. Most of the things that happen to Bella in New Moon are a result of the overwhelming loss that she is trying to bear.

New Moon is about the downward spiral into depression. I stayed up until the early hours of the morning reading this book too because I was caught up in the story and couldn't stop reading. We can all sympathize with the first heart break we have. This book will bring you right back to that time (and hopefully a bit further than what was real for you, otherwise, my heart still aches for the loss you felt). If you cannot feel the sadness throughout most of this book, perhaps you should get your pulsed checked. When the depression begins to fade in this book, the story picks up. My friends and co-workers can probably tell you when the depression begins to fade. I know longer was telling them "that Edward is just making me so sad."

To all the young at heart readers, keep in mind that this is a book for the young. Try to go back to the time you were dumped for the first time. Did you just shake it off or did you go home and have yourself a good cry? Mom's out there with young girls. Read this (actually the entire series) with your daughters (age appropriate of course). Just a little something to bond over.
This book has probably greatly confused Little Guy. He would just sit and look at me and let me know his thoughts from time to time. All I can hope is all the words he has learned will help him in the future.

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