Saturday, December 12, 2009

Same Day Procedure

As you can tell, I have not been around here much lately. Big Poppy, Little Guy and I were preparing for a minor, same day procedure on Thursday. The time had come for Little Guy to have his circumcision. For a couple reasons, Little Guy missed his window of opportunity right after birth. If you do not have this done right away you will need to wait six months for the use of anethetics.

Even though this was a same day procedure, Big Poppy and I both wanted to be there and then have a couple days at home with Little Guy. Big Poppy took Little Guy to the pre-op appointment by himself. As a precation our pedtrician recommended a nebulizer to ensure Little Guy's lungs were clear.

This is what I came home to that day. Little Guy has quite the mask. Trust me, it looks worse than it is. Little Guy is normally laughing while this runs for 10 minutes (about every four hours).

With the all clear, on Thursday we woke and prepared for the procedure. I thought the hardest part would be Little Guy's eating restrictions. After going to bed around 9 pm on Wednesday, Little Guy did not wake up at all during the night (which is normally a good thing) but this meant Little Guy could not have anything for breakfast. Big Poppy and I decided to wait on breakfast too. If Little Guy must suffer, then so would we.

When we arrived at the children's clinic/hospital, Little Guy was once again a happy little boy. Perhaps a little confused on the sweats in public (which is wearing a lot of right now). So far there were no signs of a hunger fit coming.

We met with the nurse, found the hospital pjs and then waited. In a play room with other families waiting for their turn to have their little one taken back to the doctors for a couple hours. Our doctors were great. These are people I would recommend to others or use again. A great feeling when you precious little one is going to be put under.

The procedure went fine and about one and half hours after losing Little Guy to nurses and doctors we were invited into his recovering room. Then the hunger fit began and who could blame him!

Now I must admit I was not prepared for how Little Guy would look. The nurse went over how to do everything for the next few weeks and I was visible taken aback on how Little Guy looked. The nurse noticed and reminded me he would not remember this, it would be harder on us.

Oh, but the first time I changed his diaper once we were home. Tears came from Little Guy because it was so tender. Tears came from me because of the discomfort (OK, PAIN) I was causing with the ointment. For the next couple days Little Guy was on a steady dose of pain treatments and baths (the soaking in water helps little boys). Big Poppy and I determined it would be better for him to change the diapers for a couple days - not that he liked how it caused Little Guy pain but then there would only be one of us in tears, one of us able to hold the tears back and one of us doing the diapering.

This morning, I changed my first diaper in just about two days. There were no tears but there was plenty of anxiety in its place. We are currently double diapering for added padding/protection since Little Guy is on the move, even now.

Today is the start of the Christmas festivities for our family. A Saturday brunch today and Sunday breakfast followed by Santa Clause tomorrow. I sure hope Little Guy does not cry for Santa.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little guy!! I'm sure he will be fine in no time are resilient!



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