Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Long time, no talk

Hello there. Remember me.

The past week has flown by. I would ask Big Poppy if he had time to fit in a post. He would laugh. Big Poppy would ask if I had time. I would laugh.

We were busy playing, working and preparing. We had weekend house guest. My Grandpa, favorite aunt and her family came up for a visit. There were rooms to clean. Laundry to do and food to prepare. All the rooms did not get clean but not to worry. We had a grand time. (A completely spotless house would be a sure sign I was avoiding something even less fun than picking up the office.)

Now I'm trying to catch up from the work I missed. Spend time with Big Poppy and Little Guy. I'll give some updates of the weekend a few times this week. But here are some pictures from the weekend.

Little Guy is quite a special boy. He loves being the center of attention.

Clapping is his new favorite item when he is sitting nicely - unless he is eating, then his favorite action is blowing bubbles, which can create a mess.

GrandC and Little Guy both busted out the ties this weekend. I'm not sure what got into GrandC. I can probably count on one hand how many times I've seen a tie on him. Little Guy on the other hand likes to be a dashing young man.

Jeter and FavoriteNiece were not to be out done by Little Guy. They are both ready to steal the show and look good, even when caught on camera without a smile.

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Fun and flattering accepted here.

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